Serverless Picks of the Week
Issue #88: AWS Re:Invent Dropping Some Bombs!

Serverless Superhero

Our serverless superhero this week is Justin Callison, General Manager of workflow services at AWS. One of the services under his purview is Step Functions, which had a MASSIVE week last week (links below). If you’ve never met him, seek him out - he loves connecting with customers and getting feedback, plus he’s an all-around friendly guy. Thanks for everything, Justin!

Interesting Reads

Technically an announcement, Amazon released Amazon Q, a GenAI-powered assistant throughout their entire ecosystem. This powerful tool is going to be popping up throughout our CLIs, favorite console windows, and anywhere else you can imagine. I want to highlight this one specifically as probably the biggest release with the most content and actionable use cases starting today.

Speaking of which, Benjamen Pyle released a fun little blog post demonstrating how easy Q is to use by making a Taylor Swift assistant. This is a fun premise that shows some of the real capabilities of the service.

‘Tis the season to code! Join the Serverless Guru Holiday Hackathon and compete to build the most festive full-stack application AI chatbot. The fun begins on Friday, December 1st; it’ll be fully online and completely free! Join the “nice list” today! Sponsored

AWS Hero Matt Lewis is also excited about Amazon Q and talks theoretically about how it can deliver customer value. I agree with his viewpoint and pragmatism on this service. Seems like it’s going to be an accelerator.


I had Rohan Desai on the season finale of the Ready, Set, Cloud podcast to talk about how IoT is perfectly serverless. Rohan shares some stories from when he was at SmartThings and looks toward the future with serverless capabilities and IoT. The podcast will be taking a break until around February of 2024.

Yan Cui had Patrick deBois on the Real-World Serverless podcast to talk about the future of AI and DevOps.


It takes a lot of effort to make it through AWS re:Invent coherently. It takes even more effort to write a daily summary of everything that happened as it’s going on. I was hanging out with Ben Pyle most nights last week and knowing that he was able to get a comprehensive view of the day after a night of mischief is beyond me. I highly recommend his take on the conference. This link is to his day 4 recap where he references days 1-3. Great job, Ben!

Tip of the Week

Last week was jam-packed with information, posts, and general fun. But my absolute favorite one featured Jeremy Daly busting it out on the dance floor at the Momento #believeinserverless party.

New Releases

I normally put my impressions on the releases but there are too many this week. Instead, we’ll go service by service.

Step Functions







  • A serverless offering is now available. A little more serverless than OpenSearch but not quite as serverless as Lambda, DynamoDB, or Momento. Honestly though, a great release despite my obvious bias.


Last Words

WOW. Last week was a lot. I’m sure I missed things but I’m still recovering 😄. I’m so excited to build with these new feature releases and even more excited to see what you build. Please share what you’re excited to make and post when it’s done! If you need help getting started in blogging or with any of these new services, feel free to reach out and I’ll help you the best I can.

A special shoutout goes to Momento for the best re:Invent party I have ever been to. It felt like the entire serverless community was there dancing, talking, and having a great time. This was truly for the community and I will never forget it.

If you’d like to make a recommendation for the serverless superhero or for an article you found especially useful, send me a message on Twitter, LinkedIn, or email.

Happy Coding!


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